Wednesday, October 19, 2016

3 Decades in 9 minutes.......

A few days ago I celebrated my 39th birthday in the state of Alabama! This birthday marks the end of my 3rd decade (does that make me sound old???). As I thank God for giving me life and another year on earth I'm reminded of  9 pivotal moments and lessons I've learned in my 30's.The lessons or moments are in no particular order but I hope you find them humorous, relatable, and thought provoking.

1. NEVER say I will never....LOL I married/divorced in my 20's and vowed to stay single forever
....I remember just existing instead of truly living my life. I have always believed in God but it wasn't until my 20's passed I truly placed my faith in HIM to guide my path. I also got a better understanding that God's timing and plan has nothing to do with what Angela forecasted. 10 years later I said "I do "to a wonderful God fearing man! Receiving one of the greatest gifts there is true unconditional love from another human being is a constant reminder to never give up and as long as you know God has you everything meant for you will be granted
Desmond and I on our wedding day 6/16/16 Hawaii

2. You outgrow friends and it's OK....We all have that one friend we can't imagine life without. You grow up together, watch each other become adults then parents!  Season's change and when the leaves fall they're no longer there. Understanding that everyone has a purpose and a set time in your life was my lesson. Some friends are temporary and some are there to stay either way you'll survive it.

3.  The BEST BARTENDER IS.....MYSELF LOL! I've found that mixing a drink at home taste much better and is much cheaper than drinking out in the long run!

3. Even though we've matured to be more understanding, we tolerate less... The older I get the fewer things seem worth waiting line for example, love and happiness.

5. Tomorrow  is truly not promised. In my 30's I lost my sister in law (37) and  2 good friends suddenly.  They were in the prime of their lives when God said your assignment is done. Their deaths are constant reminders to do all you can while you can!

6. Gray hairs are BULLIES LOL! While I embrace them I have to admit the way they invade my scalp make me feel some type of way!!!!

7. Becoming an entrepreneur is rewarding! BougieMagazine was a project I started on by accident in my early 30's. It was at that time I learned that I had something to say and people listened! Starting my own mag meant building a brand with this I met great and not so great people. The true reward was knowing that I tried and succeed at something I never knew was meant for me. Although I have taken a break from my role as Editor in chief the lessons learned aren't lost. In fact, they've made me a better people person and more equipped for whatever is ahead.
Past Bougie Magazine Issues

8. Forgiveness frees you and that person.  Hard lesson but glad I learned it.

9. Couponing is the best thing since caller ID! I remember going grocery shopping earlier in life and hating to be behind someone who had stash of coupons holding up the line! Needless to say I have become THAT person! The blessing of technology (digital coupons and online shopping)has limited my visit to stores and me holding up lines!

******My bonus lesson was the most important one: Being a mother in my 20's was far different than being a mother in my 30's! My daughter is now 19 it's VERY little that can get passed me (I just had a flashback of some of her I think I can outsmart mom moments).  I can tell when things are wrong before she calls me. It took  a while to get to this point. The early years were rocky (dealing with her dad and I's divorce)but over time we've gotten passed that. I see how my mom may have felt when she advised me to go right but I went left. When they say karma is a B..... it really is LOL! Having a daughter has taught me to be an example because someone is always watching you. Your lifestyle and habits can either help or hinder them! I hope that I have been a good example to her!******

I hope you enjoyed my journey to 39. I dedicate this to my husband for being a great part of my today, tomorrow and forever! AND to my friends who are turning the corner to 40 with me Nalina & Keleigh. Thank you ladies for still being on the branch after the dead leaves have fallen!

Nalina ,Keligh & I-The 39er's


  1. Happy belated birthday! I'm glad you had fun.

    I have so many gray hairs.

    1. Thank you so much! I have officially stopped counting mines LOL

  2. Happy belated birthday. I can't believe you have a 19 year old. You still look like you're in your 20's.

    1. Thank you so much for the compliment and well wishes!

  3. Great post! I believe that God has planned for each and everyone of us. Just keep believing in Him! Happy belated 39th birthday to you!

  4. Happy birthday!!! :) I really love your lessons! #1 might be best - never say never! My 20 year old me probably wouldn't even recognize the 30 year old me, and I'm excited to see what the 40 year old me will come up with! lol :) -Erin at

    1. Thanks so much Erin #1 got me sometimes I still can't believe but I'm a witness it can happen!

  5. Happy belated birthday. I hope you ahd a great one. I know I have lost a lot of friends especially as I entered motherhood and went in a different direction than my friends.

    1. Thank you so much!Look at the loss of those friends as a way of making space for new friends who truly get you in this new season!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. great post! Happy 39th brthday!

  7. Wow happy belated birthday. Great post.

  8. I'm learning how rewarding it is to become a business owner and entrepreneur. I still have a lot to learn but I'm loving it.

    1. Jill it's a rollercoaster of emotions and experiences keep researching and cultivating your brand and you'll be just fine! Good luck!

    2. Jill it's a rollercoaster of emotions and experiences keep researching and cultivating your brand and you'll be just fine! Good luck!

  9. Love this post and it helped me gain some perspective so thanks for sharing :)

    1. Fatima thank you for reading and I'm glad you got something from it!

  10. Belated Happy Birthday Glad that you have fun.

  11. Happy birthday! You do not look 39 at all! So sorry to hear about your sister and friends, God bless! Totally get you when you say the older we get the less patience we have than when we were in our 20's. I feel like I appreciate life, God and our earth so much more than I did when I was younger. I also agree with you we have no guarantees for tomorrow.

    1. Amen Glenda! Thank you for dropping by and the well wishes! I'm blessed to still be here to see the growth!

  12. Those are very good lessons. Happiest birthday to you! You've been through a lot in life and it's definitely led you to the right path. You're such an amazing person!

    1. Mai you're too kind! Thank you for the well wishes!

    2. Mai you're too kind! Thank you for the well wishes!

  13. We go through a lot of things in life and with those experiences are lessons! I love your journey, you have so much wisdom. Happiest birthday to you!

    1. Xoneia thank you so much. It's true we live and learn!

    2. Xoneia thank you so much. It's true we live and learn!

  14. You got me laughing at yourself being the best bartender! Hahaha! You really made a point there!

    1. Channel I laughed as I typed it but it's soooo true! Thanks for stopping by!

    2. Channel I laughed as I typed it but it's soooo true! Thanks for stopping by!

  15. Happy Birthday. you have had such a wonderful journey may it continue to be filled with happiness.
